The most important thing that I learned from watching these three videos is that technology is such an effective way at aiding/facilitating a students learning in a classroom. In these videos students were able to use their previous knowledge on how to present information, but through the use of technology they were able to make it more engaging and user friendly. In Brown Bear, Brown Bear the students were able to express their ideas through drawing that represent ideas, follow/create a pattern, and make classifications all through the use of technology. The slideshows were easy for the students to make and it was fun for all the students to see each others work. My favorite movie to watch was the use of “spidercams.” I thought it was really neat to see how using a web page students from another state were able to see what a class was learning and studying and students were able to share their ideas. From using e-mails, kids were able to bridge the distance barrier. Additionally, I liked how students used video cameras to document their findings. In the habitat video, I thought using the CD-ROM was really valuable in the lesson. Students were able to explore many different aspects of a habitat such as how organisms can change their environments, what an adaptation is, and how adaptations help organisms meet their needs. Using technology is fun for students to use in a classroom and makes learning that much more enjoyable.